Chironia baccifera

Image: By Abu Shawka (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons


Tangled shrublet to 50cm with narrow spreading leaves, often found growing next to the cliff path.

Leaves, stems and berries used for the treatment of ulcers, syphilis, leprosy, diabetes, kidney and bladder infections, cleansing the womb, and as a laxative (Sustainable Livelihoods Foundation. 2015. The Wild Harvesting of Plant Medicines in Cape Town.)

Also known as Haemorrhoid berry Wild Gentian, Aambeibos, Kalwerbos, Lymbos, Meidjiewillemse, Oondbossie, Sarsaparilla, Perdebossie, Ag-Dae-Geneesbos, Tandpynbos, Piles Bush, Toothache Berry, Agdaegeneesbos, Meidjiejanwillem, Soontjie-Se-Bos, Baaibos, Kersfeesbessie, Barsbessie, Agtdaegeneesbossie, Bitterbossie, Bloedsuiweringsbossie, Kalwerbossie, Lymbossie, Tandpynbossie, Meidjiejanwillemse, Aambeibossie

Sources and references

Scientific name

Chironia baccifera

Common name(s)

Christmas berry


Vegetation types

