Elgin Shale Fynbos
There are 90 species found in this vegetation type.
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Candelabra flower
Brunsvigia orientalis
Osteospermum moniliferum
Goat's foot
Oxalis caprina
Sea Tentfig
Ruschia macowanii
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Browse by genus
Genus | Species |
Salvia | 1 |
Wimmerella | 1 |
Disa | 1 |
Oxalis | 2 |
Brunsvigia | 1 |
Arctotheca | 1 |
Restio | 1 |
Baeometra | 1 |
Cyperus | 1 |
Satyrium | 1 |
Wachendorfia | 1 |
Romulea | 2 |
Osteospermum | 1 |
Morella | 1 |
Albuca | 1 |
Lessertia | 1 |
Geranium | 1 |
Crassula | 3 |
Moraea | 2 |
Metalasia | 1 |
Zantedeschia | 1 |
Aponogeton | 2 |
Plecostachys | 1 |
Lampranthus | 1 |
Heliophila | 1 |
Hydrodictyon | 1 |
Tribulus | 1 |
Amaryllis | 1 |
Ruschia | 1 |
Carpobrotus | 1 |
Geissorhiza | 2 |
Trachyandra | 1 |
Leonotis | 1 |
Mariscus | 1 |
Senecio | 4 |
Gladiolus | 1 |
Typha | 1 |
Ficinia | 1 |
Isoetes | 1 |
Cotula | 3 |
Searsia | 2 |
Asparagus | 1 |
Sparaxis | 1 |
Isolepis | 1 |
Thesium | 1 |
Potamogeton | 1 |
Pauridia | 1 |
Leucadendron | 1 |
Felicia | 1 |
Aloidendron | 1 |
Ursinia | 1 |
Ehrharta | 1 |
Chasmanthe | 1 |
Hesperantha | 1 |
Jordaaniella | 1 |
Plantago | 1 |
Watsonia | 1 |
Barleria | 1 |
Schoenus | 1 |
Cynodon | 1 |
Babiana | 1 |
Aspalathus | 1 |
Micranthus | 2 |
Sarcocornia | 1 |
Hellmuthia | 1 |
Pelargonium | 4 |
Ferraria | 1 |
Juncus | 2 |
Gymnosporia | 1 |
Lachenalia | 3 |
Browse by vegetation type
This tool has been developed by Communitree and is based on species information from LIST_PRINCIPAL_SOURCES.Browse by family
Family | Species |
Amaryllidaceae | 1 |
Haemodoraceae | 1 |
Plantaginaceae | 1 |
Poaceae | 2 |
Hypoxidaceae | 1 |
Celastraceae | 1 |
Restionaceae | 1 |
Amaranthaceae | 1 |
Hydrodictyaceae | 1 |
Potamogetonaceae | 1 |
Isoetaceae | 1 |
Santalaceae | 1 |
Aizoaceae | 3 |
Fabaceae | 1 |
Myricaceae | 1 |
Orchidaceae | 2 |
Juncaceae | 2 |
Anacardiaceae | 2 |
Asphodelaceae | 2 |
Proteaceae | 1 |
Oxalidaceae | 2 |
Asparagaceae | 1 |
Hyacinthaceae | 3 |
Aponogetonaceae | 2 |
Colchicaceae | 1 |
Iridaceae | 13 |
Geraniaceae | 4 |
Campanulaceae | 1 |
Zygophyllaceae | 1 |
Asteraceae | 12 |
Brassicaceae | 1 |
Cyperaceae | 5 |
Crassulaceae | 3 |