Species list
Showing species that match ANY of the following filters:
- Suitable for wet sites
Scientific name | Common name | Features | Vegetation type(s) |
Aponogeton angustifolius |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos | |
Aponogeton distachyos | Cape pond weed |
Easy to grow Edible Fast-growing Fragrant Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos |
Berzelia abrotanoides | Redlegs |
Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Berzelia lanuginosa | Common button bush |
Suitable for sandy soil Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract monkey beetles |
Brabejum stellatifolium | Wild Almond |
Can be used as a hedge Edible Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees |
Carpha glomerata |
Suitable for wet sites |
Centella asiatica |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Chondropetalum nudum |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Cliffortia dodecandra |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cliffortia ferruginea | Glossy cliffortia |
Drought-resistant Easy to grow It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites |
Cliffortia strobilifera | Cone River Caperose |
Suitable for wet sites |
Crassula natans |
Good potplant Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos | |
Drosera capensis | Cape Sundew |
Good potplant It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites |
Drosera cistiflora |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Drosera trinervia |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Drosera trinervia Spreng. |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Elegia tectorum | Cape thatching reed |
It can be used as a construction material Suitable for wet sites |
Elegia thyrsifera |
Suitable for wet sites |
Erica caffra |
Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Erica curviflora | Water Heath |
Easy to grow Good potplant Sensitive roots Suitable for wet sites Will attract sunbirds |
Erica mammosa | Nine-pin Heath |
Sensitive roots Suitable for sandy soil Suitable for wet sites Will attract sunbirds |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Erica sessiliflora | Green Heath |
Good potplant Sensitive roots Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Erica verticillata |
Attracts butterflies Easy to grow Good potplant Sensitive roots Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract monkey beetles Will attract sunbirds Will attract the Orange-breasted Sugarbird |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Freylinia lanceolata | honey bell-bush |
Attracts butterflies Can be used as a hedge Easy to grow Fragrant Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Fuirena hirsuta |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Grammatotheca bergiana | Water Lobelia |
Suitable for wet sites |
Gunnera perpensa | River pumpkin |
It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites |
Hellmuthia membranacea |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos | |
Imperata cylindrica | Sword grass |
Attracts butterflies Easy to grow Edible Fast-growing It can be used as a construction material It provides medicinal value Suitable for sandy soil Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld |
Isolepis hystrix |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Ixia monadelpha |
Fast-growing Good potplant Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Ixia paniculata |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Juncus capensis |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Juncus kraussii Hochst. subsp. kraussii |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Kniphofia uvaria | Red Hot Poker |
Fast-growing Good for coastal areas Suitable for clay soil Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds Wind resistant |
Laurembergia repens |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Leucadendron floridum | Flats Conebush |
Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract monkey beetles |
Leucadendron levisanus |
Attracts butterflies Good potplant Suitable for clay soil Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos | |
Moraea fugacissima | Lunch Clockflower |
Fragrant Suitable for clay soil Suitable for wet sites Will attract monkey beetles |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Morella serrata | Lance-leaf waxberry |
Suitable for wet sites |
Nymphaea capensis | Cape blue waterlily |
Suitable for wet sites |
Ornithogalum dregeanum |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Ornithogalum graminifolium |
Suitable for wet sites |
Osmitopsis asteriscoides | Swamp daisy |
It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract monkey beetles |
Peninsula Sandstone Fynbos |
Prionium serratum | palmiet |
Easy to grow Edible Fast-growing It can be used as a construction material Suitable for wet sites |
Psoralea aphylla | Leafless Fountain-bush |
Suitable for wet sites |
Psoralea laxa |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Psoralea pinnata | Fountain bush |
Easy to grow Fragrant Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Psoralea restioides | Fine Fountainbush |
Suitable for wet sites |
Pycreus polystachyos |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Ranunculus multifidus | Common buttercup |
Suitable for wet sites |
Restio paniculatus | Broom Anglereed |
Suitable for wet sites |
Salix mucronata subsp. hirsuta | Silver Willow |
Suitable for wet sites |
Sparaxis bulbifera |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos | |
Spiloxene alba | White Capestar |
Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil Suitable for wet sites Will attract monkey beetles |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Spiloxene aquatica | Water Capestar |
Fragrant Suitable for sandy soil Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees Will attract monkey beetles |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Spiloxene ovata |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Spiloxene schlechteri |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Trachyandra brachypoda | Short Capespinach |
Suitable for wet sites |
Triglochin bulbosa |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Triglochin striata | Streaked Arrow-grass |
Suitable for wet sites |
Typha capensis | Bulrush |
It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species |
Elgin Shale Fynbos |
Virgilia oroboides | Keurboom |
Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees |
Wachendorfia thyrsiflora |
Suitable for wet sites This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Watsonia meriana | Bugle lily |
Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil Suitable for wet sites Will attract sunbirds |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos |
Watsonia meriana var. meriana |
Suitable for wet sites |
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld | |
Wimmerella secunda |
Suitable for wet sites |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos | |
Witsenia maura | Bokmakierie's tail |
Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Zantedeschia aethiopica | White arum lily |
Edible Fragrant It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos Peninsula Shale Renosterveld |
Cape pond weed
Aponogeton distachyos
Berzelia abrotanoides
Common button bush
Berzelia lanuginosa
Wild Almond
Brabejum stellatifolium
Glossy cliffortia
Cliffortia ferruginea
Cone River Caperose
Cliffortia strobilifera
Cape Sundew
Drosera capensis
Cape thatching reed
Elegia tectorum
Water Heath
Erica curviflora
Nine-pin Heath
Erica mammosa
Green Heath
Erica sessiliflora
honey bell-bush
Freylinia lanceolata
Water Lobelia
Grammatotheca bergiana
River pumpkin
Gunnera perpensa
Sword grass
Imperata cylindrica
Red Hot Poker
Kniphofia uvaria
Flats Conebush
Leucadendron floridum
Lunch Clockflower
Moraea fugacissima
Lance-leaf waxberry
Morella serrata
Cape blue waterlily
Nymphaea capensis
Swamp daisy
Osmitopsis asteriscoides
Prionium serratum
Leafless Fountain-bush
Psoralea aphylla
Fountain bush
Psoralea pinnata
Fine Fountainbush
Psoralea restioides
Common buttercup
Ranunculus multifidus
Broom Anglereed
Restio paniculatus
Silver Willow
Salix mucronata subsp. hirsuta
White Capestar
Spiloxene alba
Water Capestar
Spiloxene aquatica
Short Capespinach
Trachyandra brachypoda
Streaked Arrow-grass
Triglochin striata
Typha capensis
Virgilia oroboides
Bugle lily
Watsonia meriana
Bokmakierie's tail
Witsenia maura
White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica