Species list

67 species found


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Scientific name Common name Features Vegetation type(s)
Aloe ferox Bitter aloe Drought-resistant
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Ammocharis longifolia Malgas lily Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Anisodontea scabrosa rough-leaf African mallow, sand rose, pink mallow, hairy mallow Attracts butterflies
Can be used as a hedge
Good potplant
Pioneer species
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Wind resistant
Atlantis Sand Fynbos Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Peninsula Sandstone Fynbos
Babiana fragrans fragrant blue babiana Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Babiana hirsuta (Lam.) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning red babiana Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Babiana villosa Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Baleria repens small bush violet Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
Pioneer species
This is a bird-friendly species
Will attract sunbirds
Will attract the Cape Sugarbird
Will attract the Malachite Sugarbird
Will attract the Orange-breasted Sugarbird
Bonatea speciosa green wood orchid Good potplant
Brunsvigia josephinae Candelabra lily Attracts butterflies
Easy to grow
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
This is a bird-friendly species
Will attract sunbirds
Brunsvigia litoralis Surfer's Cadelabra Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Will attract sunbirds
Brunsvigia orientalis Candelabra flower Good potplant
Will attract sunbirds
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld Elgin Shale Fynbos
Bulbine alooides Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Bulbine favosa Fragrant
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Carpanthea pomeridiana carpanthea Easy to grow
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Cotyledon orbiculata Pig's ear Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld
Crassula ciliata Good potplant
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Crassula dejecta doily crassula Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Crassula glomerata Easy to grow
Good potplant
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos
Crassula natans Good potplant
Suitable for wet sites
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos
Crassula thunbergiana subsp. thunbergiana Good potplant
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Cyrtanthus ventricosus fire lily Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
This is a bird-friendly species
Will attract sunbirds
Drosera capensis Cape Sundew Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Suitable for wet sites
Erepsia anceps Good potplant
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Erica abietina Red Heath Attracts butterflies
Easy to grow
Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Will attract sunbirds
Peninsula Sandstone Fynbos
Erica cerinthoides Fire Heath Easy to grow
Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Erica coccinea Tassel Heath Easy to grow
Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Suitable for clay soil
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Erica curviflora Water Heath Easy to grow
Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Suitable for wet sites
Will attract sunbirds
Erica imbricata Good potplant
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Erica plukenetii Easy to grow
Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Will attract sunbirds
Erica sessiliflora Green Heath Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Suitable for wet sites
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Erica turgida Easy to grow
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Erica verticillata Attracts butterflies
Easy to grow
Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
Suitable for wet sites
This will attract honey bees
Will attract monkey beetles
Will attract sunbirds
Will attract the Orange-breasted Sugarbird
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Euphorbia tuberosa milk-ball, wild charlock Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Haemanthus pubescens Paintbrush Fragrant
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Halleria lucida Easy to grow
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Pioneer species
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Ixia monadelpha Fast-growing
Good potplant
Suitable for wet sites
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Lachenalia bulbifera red lachenalia Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld
Lampranthus aurantiacus Ice Plant Bush Drought-resistant
Good for coastal areas
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Lampranthus bicolor Bicoloured lampranthus Good potplant
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Lampranthus calcaratus Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Lampranthus emarginatus Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Lampranthus filicaulis Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Lampranthus glaucus Yellow noon flower Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Will attract monkey beetles
Atlantis Sand Fynbos Boland Granite Fynbos Cape Flats Dune Strandveld Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Hangklip Sand Fynbos Lourensford Alluvium Fynbos Swartland Alluvium Fynbos Swartland Granite Renosterveld Swartland Shale Renosterveld
Lampranthus reptans Creeping Brightfig Easy to grow
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos
Lampranthus stenus Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Will attract monkey beetles
Atlantis Sand Fynbos Cape Flats Dune Strandveld Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Hangklip Sand Fynbos
Lampranthus tegens mat-lampranthus Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Leucadendron levisanus Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for wet sites
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos
Leucadendron salignum Common Sunshine Conebush Can be used as a hedge
Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Mimetes cucullatus Red pagoda Easy to grow
Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Suitable for clay soil
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Moraea aristata Blue - eyed Moraea Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
Will attract monkey beetles
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Ochna serrulata Mickey-mouse bush Fragrant
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Ornithogalum dubium yellow chincherinchee Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
This will attract honey bees
Ornithogalum thyrsoides Chincherinchee Easy to grow
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Pioneer species
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Otholobium bracteolatum Cape Town pea Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
Pioneer species
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Pelargonium betulinum Camphor-scented pelargonium Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good for coastal areas
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Pioneer species
This will attract honey bees
Wind resistant
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Pelargonium capitatum Rose-scented pelargonium Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Pioneer species
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos
Pelargonium crispum lemon-scented pelargonium Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
Pelargonium cucullatum Hooded-leaf pelargonium Attracts butterflies
Easy to grow
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Pelargonium ovale Good potplant
Pelargonium triste Night-scented pelargonium Drought-resistant
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Protea cynaroides King Protea Good potplant
Sensitive roots
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Will attract sunbirds
Ruschia rubricaulis Redstem tentfig Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Salvia aurea L. golden sage,beach sage, dune sage, sand sage Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
It provides medicinal value
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Tritoniopsis triticea Mountain pipes Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
Will attract sunbirds
Tylecodon paniculatus Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
Will attract sunbirds
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld
Watsonia borbonica Pink watsonia Easy to grow
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Watsonia marginata Broad-leaf watsonia Drought-resistant
Easy to grow
Good potplant
This will attract honey bees
Bitter aloe

Aloe ferox

Malgas lily

Ammocharis longifolia

fragrant blue babiana

Babiana fragrans

red babiana

Babiana hirsuta (Lam.) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning

Babiana villosa

small bush violet

Baleria repens

green wood orchid

Bonatea speciosa

Candelabra lily

Brunsvigia josephinae

Surfer's Cadelabra

Brunsvigia litoralis

Candelabra flower

Brunsvigia orientalis

Bulbine alooides

Bulbine favosa


Carpanthea pomeridiana

Pig's ear

Cotyledon orbiculata

Crassula ciliata

doily crassula

Crassula dejecta

Crassula glomerata

Crassula natans

Crassula thunbergiana subsp. thunbergiana

fire lily

Cyrtanthus ventricosus

Cape Sundew

Drosera capensis

Erepsia anceps

Red Heath

Erica abietina

Fire Heath

Erica cerinthoides

Tassel Heath

Erica coccinea

Water Heath

Erica curviflora

Erica imbricata

Erica plukenetii

Green Heath

Erica sessiliflora

Erica turgida

Erica verticillata

milk-ball, wild charlock

Euphorbia tuberosa


Haemanthus pubescens

Halleria lucida

Ixia monadelpha

red lachenalia

Lachenalia bulbifera

Ice Plant Bush

Lampranthus aurantiacus

Bicoloured lampranthus

Lampranthus bicolor

Lampranthus calcaratus

Lampranthus emarginatus

Lampranthus filicaulis

Yellow noon flower

Lampranthus glaucus

Creeping Brightfig

Lampranthus reptans

Lampranthus stenus


Lampranthus tegens

Leucadendron levisanus

Common Sunshine Conebush

Leucadendron salignum

Red pagoda

Mimetes cucullatus

Blue - eyed Moraea

Moraea aristata

Mickey-mouse bush

Ochna serrulata

yellow chincherinchee

Ornithogalum dubium


Ornithogalum thyrsoides

Cape Town pea

Otholobium bracteolatum

Camphor-scented pelargonium

Pelargonium betulinum

Rose-scented pelargonium

Pelargonium capitatum

lemon-scented pelargonium

Pelargonium crispum

Hooded-leaf pelargonium

Pelargonium cucullatum

Pelargonium ovale

Night-scented pelargonium

Pelargonium triste

King Protea

Protea cynaroides

Redstem tentfig

Ruschia rubricaulis

Mountain pipes

Tritoniopsis triticea

Tylecodon paniculatus

Pink watsonia

Watsonia borbonica

Broad-leaf watsonia

Watsonia marginata