Species list
species found
Showing species that match ANY of the following filters:
- This is a bird-friendly species
Scientific name | Common name | Features | Vegetation type(s) |
Afrocarpus falcatus | Outeniqua yellowwood |
It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species |
Aloe ferox | Bitter aloe |
Drought-resistant Good potplant It provides medicinal value Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Baleria repens | small bush violet |
Attracts butterflies Drought-resistant Fast-growing Good potplant Pioneer species This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds Will attract the Cape Sugarbird Will attract the Malachite Sugarbird Will attract the Orange-breasted Sugarbird |
Brunsvigia josephinae | Candelabra lily |
Attracts butterflies Drought-resistant Easy to grow Good potplant It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Callistemon | Bottlebrush |
This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Canthium inerme | Cape Date |
Easy to grow Edible It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Carissa macrocarpa | Num-num |
Easy to grow Edible Fragrant It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Chasmanthe aethiopica | Small cobra lily |
Easy to grow It provides medicinal value Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld Elgin Shale Fynbos Peninsula Shale Renosterveld |
Chasmanthe floribunda | Cobra lily |
Drought-resistant Easy to grow It provides medicinal value Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld |
Cotyledon orbiculata | Pig's ear |
Drought-resistant Easy to grow Good potplant It provides medicinal value Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld |
Cyrtanthus ventricosus | fire lily |
Attracts butterflies Good potplant This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Diospyros whyteana | Bladder-nut |
Edible Fragrant It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Dodonaea angustifolia | Sand olive |
Attracts butterflies Can be used as a hedge Drought-resistant Easy to grow It provides medicinal value Pioneer species This is a bird-friendly species |
Erica cerinthoides | Fire Heath |
Easy to grow Good potplant Suitable for clay soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Erythrina lysistemon | Common coral tree |
It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Freylinia lanceolata | honey bell-bush |
Attracts butterflies Can be used as a hedge Easy to grow Fragrant Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Halleria lucida |
Easy to grow Edible Good potplant It provides medicinal value Pioneer species Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Harpephyllum caffrum | Wild plum |
It can be used as a construction material It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Hibiscus | Hibiscus |
This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Kiggelaria africana | Wild peach |
Drought-resistant Easy to grow It can be used as a construction material It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld |
Lachenalia bulbifera | red lachenalia |
Good potplant Suitable for clay soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Cape Flats Dune Strandveld |
Leonotis leonurus | Lion's Tail |
Attracts butterflies Easy to grow Edible It provides medicinal value Pioneer species Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Elgin Shale Fynbos |
Leucadendron argenteum | Silver tree |
Drought-resistant Fragrant It can be used as a construction material Pioneer species Sensitive roots This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld |
Melianthus major | Touch-me-not |
Easy to grow Fragrant It provides medicinal value Suitable for clay soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Peninsula Sandstone Fynbos |
Morella quercifolia | Oak-leafed waxberry |
It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Myrsine africana | Cape Myrtle |
Attracts butterflies Can be used as a hedge It can be used as a construction material It provides medicinal value Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species |
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld |
Ochna serrulata | Mickey-mouse bush |
Fragrant Good potplant It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Pelargonium cucullatum | Hooded-leaf pelargonium |
Attracts butterflies Easy to grow Fast-growing Fragrant Good potplant It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Platylophus trifoliatus | white-alder |
Attracts butterflies Fragrant This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Protea burchellii |
Suitable for clay soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos | |
Protea repens | Sugarbush |
Drought-resistant Easy to grow It provides medicinal value Suitable for clay soil Suitable for sandy soil This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos |
Prunus africana | red stinkwood, African almond |
Fragrant It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Tecoma capensis | Cape honeysuckle |
Drought-resistant Easy to grow It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Tecomaria capensis | Kaapse kanferfoelie |
Attracts butterflies Can be used as a hedge Drought-resistant It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees Will attract sunbirds |
Typha capensis | Bulrush |
It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species |
Elgin Shale Fynbos |
Vachellia sieberiana var. woodii | Paperbark acacia |
Drought-resistant Easy to grow Edible Fragrant It can be used as a construction material It provides medicinal value This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Witsenia maura | Bokmakierie's tail |
Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species Will attract sunbirds |
Zantedeschia aethiopica | White arum lily |
Edible Fragrant It provides medicinal value Suitable for wet sites This is a bird-friendly species This will attract honey bees |
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos Peninsula Shale Renosterveld |
Outeniqua yellowwood
Afrocarpus falcatus
Bitter aloe
Aloe ferox
small bush violet
Baleria repens
Candelabra lily
Brunsvigia josephinae
Cape Date
Canthium inerme
Carissa macrocarpa
Small cobra lily
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Cobra lily
Chasmanthe floribunda
Pig's ear
Cotyledon orbiculata
fire lily
Cyrtanthus ventricosus
Diospyros whyteana
Sand olive
Dodonaea angustifolia
Fire Heath
Erica cerinthoides
Common coral tree
Erythrina lysistemon
honey bell-bush
Freylinia lanceolata
Wild plum
Harpephyllum caffrum
Wild peach
Kiggelaria africana
red lachenalia
Lachenalia bulbifera
Lion's Tail
Leonotis leonurus
Silver tree
Leucadendron argenteum
Melianthus major
Oak-leafed waxberry
Morella quercifolia
Cape Myrtle
Myrsine africana
Mickey-mouse bush
Ochna serrulata
Hooded-leaf pelargonium
Pelargonium cucullatum
Platylophus trifoliatus
Protea repens
red stinkwood, African almond
Prunus africana
Cape honeysuckle
Tecoma capensis
Kaapse kanferfoelie
Tecomaria capensis
Typha capensis
Paperbark acacia
Vachellia sieberiana var. woodii
Bokmakierie's tail
Witsenia maura
White arum lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica