Species list

4 species found
Scientific name Common name Features Vegetation type(s)
Leucadendron argenteum Silver tree Drought-resistant
It can be used as a construction material
Pioneer species
Sensitive roots
This is a bird-friendly species
This will attract honey bees
Peninsula Shale Renosterveld
Leucadendron floridum Flats Conebush Suitable for wet sites
This will attract honey bees
Will attract monkey beetles
Leucadendron levisanus Attracts butterflies
Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for wet sites
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Elgin Shale Fynbos
Leucadendron salignum Common Sunshine Conebush Can be used as a hedge
Good potplant
Suitable for clay soil
Suitable for sandy soil
This will attract honey bees
Cape Flats Sand Fynbos
Silver tree

Leucadendron argenteum

Flats Conebush

Leucadendron floridum

Leucadendron levisanus

Common Sunshine Conebush

Leucadendron salignum