Erica curviflora
Best grown with other Fynbos species such as ericas, buchus, brunias, and restios. This plant is pollinated by sunbirds (potentially also long-tongued flies).Propagation instructions - cuttings
It is propagated vegetatively by rooting fresh semi-hardwood tip or heel cuttings. Cuttings are rooted in multi-trays on heated benches under mist spray. Cuttings are rooted in autumn or spring in a rooting medium of equal parts bark and polystyrene chips. A semi-hardwood rooting hormone is used to aid the rooting process.
Propagation instructions - seeds
This species grows easily from seed when subjected to smoke treatment and sown in well-drained, acidic, sandy soil. Seed is normally sown from late summer into autumn, i.e. March to May.
Sources and references
Scientific name
Erica curviflora
Common name(s)
Water Heath