Pelargonium myrrhifolium

Image: By Nicolao Josepho Jacquin (Icones plantarum rariorum, vol. 3: t. 528. 1794.) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


This slow-growing scrambling pelargonium grows to about 40 cm in height and 35 cm in spread with finely divided green leaves that turn darker with age. Varieties have a range of flowers with white, pink and red colouring.

Require well-drained soil and full sun

Click here to read how to propagate from cuttings:

Propagation instructions - cuttings

Cuttings can be taken throughout the year. Depending on the availability of material, take stem cuttings of 50-70 mm, cut below the node and dip in a rooting hormone to stimulate rooting. Place the cutting in prepared holes in a moist, well-draining rooting medium and transfer to a cold frame or slightly shaded area. Monitor cuttings regularly to ensure the medium maintain its moisture. Rooting takes 3-4 weeks. Once more roots have developed, cuttings can be potted up.

Propagation instructions - seeds

Sow seeds in early autumn in seed trays with a light, well-drained medium. Cover seed lightly with a thin layer of compost or white sand and water thoroughly with a fine spray. Move trays to a slightly shaded area. Medium must be kept moist at all times. Seed will germinate between 4-6 weeks.

Sources and references

Scientific name

Pelargonium myrrhifolium

Common name(s)

Vegetation types



