Crassula multicava

Image: Paul Hoekman


Crassulas are often small, curiously formed plants that are favourites for succulent collectors. Crassula multicava is one of those plants that can be used for almost all purposes and this is without a doubt why it has become such an important garden plant throughout South Africa as well as in other countries. There are not many shade-loving succulents that create as beautiful a display as C. multivava. The uniformity, compactness and neat low-growing appearance of this plant is much enjoyed by the gardener and landscaper alike. The plants are also very long-lived and respond well to pruning when overgrown.

Horticulturally the plants are very popular in rock gardens, on rocky embankments, hanging baskets, and as perennial container plants. They make beautiful displays when planted en masse in shade or semi-shade.

Sources and references

Scientific name

Crassula multicava

Common name(s)

Fairy crassula


