Chasmanthe bicolor
This plant has an underground corm from which the long strappy bright green leaves emerge in winter. It flowers later in winter with a striking bright orange, yellow and green flowers hanging to the side from a central arm, similar to other Chasmanthus in the genus, but a more attractive flower, June to September. It occurs semi-shaded sheltered riverine and woodland areas but full range unknown.It is known from only a few sites in the wild and therefore vulnerable.
It is easily grown from seed. Pluck the seeds when ripe in late winter and early spring. Plant in half sand and compost 3 - 5 cm deep watering gently every 2 or 3 days. Takes 4 weeks to germinate. Clumps can be divided every 4 years in the dormant summer period.
Sources and references
Scientific name
Chasmanthe bicolor
Common name(s)
Red-and-green cobra lily