Original vegetation type
Swartland Shale Renosterveld

-33.861952, 18.6382949
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Possible expansion stepping stone sites

How many possible nearby stepping stone gardens can be created, taking into account public infrastructure?

Type List Quantity
Early Childhood Development Centres 0
Parks View all 22
Community centres 0
Cemeteries 0
Total number of sites 22

With 22 potential expansion sites in the area, we rate this as: great

Possible corridor connectors

How many possible nearby corridor connectors are present?

Type List Length
Rivers and waterways 1,306 m
Railways 0 m
Total length 1,306 m

With 1305.995091947236 potential corridor connectors in the area, we rate this as: great

Existing stepping stones

How many existing stepping stones are located nearby?

Type List Quantity
Natural remnants / reserves 0
Registered stepping stone gardens 0
Total number of sites 0

With 0 existing stepping stones in the area, we rate this as: poor