Huis Luckhoff Special Garden Patch
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-33.95419, 18.47564
This garden is located right between the Liesbeek River and Huis Luckhoff (a home for the aged). This garden has been an abandoned patch overgrown with invasive kikuyu grass for many years, while also being used for illegal dumping. With the help of residents from Huis Luckhoff, including Fred, Muriel, and others this plot has been slowly converted into an indigenous garden. With help from tireless neighbourhood greener Gill and supported by Randall, Communitree volunteers have been working hard to plant a variety of ground covers and other pioneering species, before introducing more sensitive fynbos.At this point (April 2021) the ground covers are well-established and as we go into the rainy winter we are focused on removing some of the ground cover to make place for new species, while also tackling the remaining kikuyo. We hope to be able to establish a mulch walking path (the first version of this has slowly faded away), and to add a bench. With luck we can open up the garden so that people can easily walk through it.
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